Monday, July 25, 2011

Ceramic Tile Facts and Tips

A ceramic tile is a covering piece of embellishment made from furnace-fired clay slabs that ensure sturdiness and durability, Formerly used for pottery, it is now widely preferred for wrap almost anything from conductors to bowls. Today, they are among the most versatile, famous, and durable tiling material types. As the piece mainly contains domestic, earthen or industrial building materials, it is available at a reasonable price. This means that if you are looking for a cheap, durable piece with a horde of options, your search ends at this one. Another feature that attracts people is the durability that makes the pieces last for lifetime if they are installed properly. While looking for the material that you yet have to install, always consider three factors namely, size, shape, and finish. On the other hand, during the installation, you must focus on the grout color and pattern. Let us check out these different ceramic options so that you can select a perfect piece!


If you want a square-shape ceramic tile, choose the one that measures 12"x 12", as they are the cheapest ones offering optimal features. As a thumb rule, the lesser is the size, the cheaper will be the ceramic piece. However, it is a fact that a cheaper piece will make you spend higher installation costs, as that will logically require more cuts and pieces. Although no difference exists among the pieces of one foot and four inches when it is required for a small mudroom; but in case of yards, this difference shows up. Now do you know why buildings have tiles of one foot?


In this category, consider smooth and shiny surface. The piece with glossy sheen will possess smooth, but strong surfaces that eradicate stains and discard water. On the other hand, the unglazed piece does not bear that attractive surface. However, it is as durable as the glazed piece, but people choose it just because of the preference. For example, a person preferring a traditional or rustic look will go for the unglazed ceramic piece, while those looking for a Tuscan style kitchen or stylish scene, the glazed ones suit the most.


Bluntly stating, a variety of shapes adorn the ceramic pieces in the market today. Therefore, it will not be wrong to conclude that you can expect a ceramic piece of any shape right from square to a leaf. Are you thinking for a specific shape such as that of a flower? Well, even this is possible, but you need to check out with the provider so that you get what you want.  


This is important to consider during the installation. Just think of any pattern and the contractor will certainly do it for you. Ranging from one-tile to borders and from chain to basket weave patterns, dozens of them are available. However, you must know that the price and installation time are directly proportional to the complexity of the pattern. For instance, choosing just one fixed pattern, one size, and one color finishes the process of installation quickly. However, the time and price increase when you begin including different patterns or a complex pattern, shapes, and sizes. Fitting all of them is time consuming, thereby, increasing the installation charge.

Grout Color

If you are not aware of this option or are tired deciding about it, the contractor is the best person to consult. Do not pick showy grout color, as the focus of attraction will be the ceramic piece instead of the grout. Therefore, select such a grout color that will never outdo the charming ceramic pieces.

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